
Glass Harp - Glass Harp 1970 (full album)

The Leaves - Hey Joe 1966 (full album)

Variations - Nador 1969 (FULL ALBUM) [Hard Rock]

The Growing Concern - The Growing Concern 1968 (full album)

Dogfeet - Dogfeet (1970) [Full Album] Heavy Psychedelic Blues Rock

My Solid Ground - My Solid Ground 1971 (full album)

Atlantis Philharmonic - Atlantis Philharmonic 1974 (full album)

The Children - Rebirth 1968 (full album)

Andwella's Dream - Love And Poetry 1969 (full album)

Crystal Circus - In Relation To Our Times 1968 (full album)

EMBRYO - Embryo's rache (FULL ALBUM)